
#IGLive: Mrudula Joshi Teaches Us How To Live More Sustainably

An intriguing conversation on why and how you should start sustainable living for a greener planet. 

Sustainable living is a lifestyle and mindset that prioritizes the well-being of both people and the planet. It revolves around making choices that reduce one’s environmental impact and promote long-term harmony with the Earth. At its core, sustainable living seeks to balance the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The Disposal Company (TDC) organized a live session on Instagram with the inspiring Mrudula Joshi, founder of Ullisu

The speaker spoke about sustainable living and climate action.

Ullisu has consistently strived to offer assistance and resources to support individuals in making sustainable lifestyle choices. Their primary focus has been on expanding access to products and organizations while promoting habits that lead to a zero-waste lifestyle

Every product featured in their store is carefully selected to contribute to reducing environmental impact across various aspects of daily living. They offer a comprehensive perspective on how consumers can actively participate in and support the transition toward a more circular economy.

Key Points

  • Mrudula believes if we don’t take sustainability seriously as an individual, the bigger system will never change. We should start taking small steps to live a sustainable life on a daily basis.  
  • For example, she talked about zero-waste movie night where she carries her own bottle instead of buying it, and chooses packaged snacks mindfully.
  • She thinks sustainable living should not be a burden on anyone. Nobody is perfect to follow sustainability on a regular basis. We should keep this in mind to get better in the long run.
  • She discussed about packaged-free map which demonstrates the locations of a few stores in a particular city that sell packaged-free ingredients.
  • She organizes zero-waste meet up where the people living zero-waste lives get the chance to meet other people within the same city. It helps to build up a community of like-minded people who think about sustainability.
  • She gave 3 easy steps to implement a sustainable lifestyle for a beginner. First, to collect the information of available resources within your locality. Second, don’t give up if you find it difficult to adopt sustainability. Third, celebrate the result that you get after any small change.

Listen to the full session here to get more insightful tips on sustainable living.


Embracing sustainable living is a gradual process. It doesn’t happen overnight. You should not pressure yourself too much. Collecting information and connecting with like-minded people are the key steps to start sustainable zero-waste living.

Join the sustainability revolution in India with The Disposal Company’s innovative climate action platform, which enables brands to become plastic-neutral and carbon-neutral. Click here to find out more.

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Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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