
#GreenGossip Podcast: Tea Trunk’s Conscious Perspective On Sustainability

Green Gossip is a podcast that explores the life stories and vision of the famous sustainable brand’s founders. It is brought to you by The Disposal Company and sponsored by Vanity Wagon. So, grab a cup of tea and read on to find out more about a tea brand that not only sells top-notch tea but also prioritizes sustainability.

Episode 5 | Sipping Stories: Tea Trunk’s Conscious Perspective

Green Gossip podcast is hosted by Bhagyashree Bhansali, the Founder & CEO of The Disposal Company.

In a conversation between Bhgyashree and Snigdha Manchanda, Tea Connoisseur, and Founder of Tea Trunk, a D2C Tea brand, Snigdha shares how the sustainable lifestyle of her childhood encouraged her to implement sustainability into her business. Tea Trunk is an online tea store that curates the finest Indian tea leaves and crafts them into unique blends like Marigold Green Tea or Rose Oolong Tea, using all-natural ingredients.

Snigdha Manchanda talked about her childhood when her parents used to live a sustainable life by reusing and repairing. They were conscious of waste products in day-to-day life.

In 2013 when Snigdha started Tea Trunk, she and her team realized that they have to use certain materials to preserve and extend the shelf life of the tea. They often took help with the references of alternative materials from their customers when her team could not find themselves. It also helped them to build connections and trust among the consumers. Snigdha believes that brands should communicate with their customers to build sincerity and a long-lasting relationship.

Her team also followed some innovative ways to avoid single-use plastic bottles in their office. They also made their Tea room in the office by recycling and repurposing. Their sustainable practices is giving a positive vibe to their customers.

Snigdha thinks that her brand will be plastic-free in near future. She is very much mindful of creating a warm connection with her community by incorporating more sustainable practices.

Listen to the full podcast here to know more about their journey and brand vision.

Shop Tea Trunk here

The Disposal Company is India’s first climate action platform which enables brands to go sustainable & plastic-neutral. Join us on Green Gossip as we delve into the personal aspect of sustainability through compelling stories. 

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Mousona Poddar

A SEO Content Writer who helps to scale your business by bringing organic traffic on your website. My background is B.Tech in Electrical Engineering.

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