
#IGLive: Exploring Eco-Conscious Living with Nayana Premnath

A conversation on how to live an eco-conscious lifestyle through simple practices to lessen our environmental impacts on the planet.

Eco-conscious living refers to a lifestyle and mindset that prioritizes environmental sustainability and minimizing one’s impact on the planet. It involves making conscious choices and taking deliberate actions to reduce resource consumption, waste generation, and carbon emissions. 

Recently The Disposal Company has organized an Instagram live with Eco-Youtuber Nayana Premnath. It was an insightful discussion on Zero Waste and Sustainable Living

Nayana is the founder of Green Circle, an upcycling marketplace. It transforms textile waste into accessories and home decor items. She is among the top 100 digital creators recognized by Forbes India.

Key Points

In her college life, Nayana was interested in sustainable architecture. However, her zero-waste living started through the discovery of the menstrual cup. After that, she decided to follow her passion for zero-waste living and sustainability. 

She believes that we can do very simple things on a regular basis in our daily life to follow a zero-waste lifestyle. Hence it’s impossible for us to create zero waste rather we should focus to minimize it as much as possible.

She personally follows some simple tricks in her daily life. For instance, she carries a small tumbler and hanky in a dentist’s place to save the use of paper cups and napkins. She uses tooth tablets instead of toothpaste as most toothpaste tubes are hard to recycle. 

She thinks transparency is important for building a sustainable brand. Consumers should ask brands about the origin of their products, disposal procedure, and recycling process before purchase.

She suggests everyone follow three simple tips for sustainable living. First is carrying cloth bags wherever you go. Second, don’t forget to take reusable water bottles during traveling. Lastly, carry containers during dining out to bring extra food instead of plastic containers given by restaurants.

Listen to the full discussion here to get some more valuable tips. 

To Conclude

Eco-conscious living is about recognizing our responsibility as individuals to protect and preserve the environment for current and future generations. By making informed choices and adopting simple sustainable practices, we can contribute to a more environmentally friendly and resilient world.

Join the sustainability revolution in India with The Disposal Company’s innovative climate action platform, which enables brands to become plastic-neutral and carbon-neutral, and make a real difference to the planet. Click here to find out more.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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