
Zero-Waste Meetings: 8 Practical Tips for Event Organizers

Actionable tips for event organizers seeking to embrace sustainability with zero-waste meetings to lead the charge toward environmental conservation within the events industry.

In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the awareness of environmental conservation and sustainable living. This shift in consciousness has extended to various facets of our lives, including how we organize and conduct events. One of the significant movements gaining traction is the concept of zero-waste meetings, where event organizers aim to minimize or eliminate waste generation during gatherings, conferences, seminars, and other social or professional engagements.

Set your goals

Before commencing event planning, it is essential to establish the objectives and anticipated outcomes regarding zero-waste initiatives. Determine the quantity of waste to be circumvented or redirected from landfills. Outline the methods for quantifying and documenting the achieved outcomes. 

Identify both the advantages and obstacles associated with transitioning to zero-waste practices. Defining specific and achievable goals is crucial in effectively conveying your vision and inspiring your team, suppliers, and participants.

Choose your zero-waste venue

The selection of your event venue holds substantial influence over your waste minimization endeavors. Seek out venues already implementing zero-waste policies and actions, including the provision of recycling and composting facilities, utilization of reusable tableware, energy-conserving lighting, and adoption of water-efficient fixtures. 

Whenever feasible, conduct a preliminary visit to the venue and inquire about their waste handling procedures, environmental certifications, and their readiness to accommodate your specific requirements.

Select your vendors

Careful vendor selection stands as another pivotal element in organizing a zero-waste event. Opt for vendors who align with your zero-waste principles and can offer goods and services geared towards reducing waste generation and disposal. 

Seek caterers utilizing locally sourced, organic ingredients, steering clear of single-use packaging, and committing to donating or composting excess food. Likewise, prioritize suppliers providing reusable or recyclable materials, encompassing banners, signs, decorations, and promotional items.

Event Waste or Resource Recovery Stations

Decide on the placement of your Zero Waste stations, ideally positioning them in the busiest sections of your event. Engage a recycling consultant to assist in identifying the best arrangement, encompassing suitable bin capacities and the requisite number of stations for gathering reusable items, liquids, recyclables, organic waste, and the minimal amount of materials destined for the landfill.

Promote Minimalist Swag

When arranging a ‘swag’ bag for attendees or selecting sponsored items, adhere strictly to your zero-waste guidelines. Avoid purchasing individually wrapped items like pencils or bottle openers, as well as printing numerous brochures and stickers, to eliminate plastic and paper waste. Instead, distribute reusable grocery totes that attendees can use repeatedly. Populate these bags with practical, reusable items such as coasters, cups, and notebooks made from recycled paper, diverging from the typical generic souvenirs.

Educate your attendees

An essential stride in organizing a zero-waste event involves informing your attendees about your objectives and aspirations. The aim is to foster a culture of consciousness and accountability among guests, enabling their active involvement and support toward achieving zero-waste goals. 

This can be accomplished through pre-event communications, prominent signage, and detailed instructions during the event. Offering feedback and acknowledgment, and encouraging attendees to bring their reusable items such as water bottles, bags, and cups are essential steps.

Monitor your progress

Throughout and following your event, it’s crucial to oversee your advancements and assess your outcomes. This can be accomplished through conducting waste audits, gathering data, and determining your waste diversion rate. 

Such actions assist in pinpointing successful strategies and areas requiring enhancement for subsequent events. Additionally, utilizing this information enables the reporting of accomplishments and obstacles to stakeholders, sponsors, and media outlets.

Celebrate your success

Ultimately, remember to commemorate your achievements and impart your journey to others. Initiating a zero-waste event from scratch is challenging, yet the outcome is fulfilling and motivational. Take pride in the positive impact you’ve made on the environment and the community. Moreover, you can motivate others to emulate your actions and become part of the zero-waste initiative.


Transitioning towards zero-waste meetings requires a collective effort and a commitment to sustainable practices from event organizers, attendees, vendors, and venues. By implementing practical tips and strategies aimed at waste reduction, event organizers can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of sustainability within the events industry. 

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Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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