
How To Build A Plastic-Neutral Plan For A Sustainable Earth

Keep on reading about how to build a plastic-neutral plan for your business to build a sustainable earth for all of us.

Plastic is unavoidable. Seriously, it is present in every sphere of life and seems inescapably interwoven into our daily lives. A person who does not want to avoid plastic usage might not be able to as some necessary product uses plastic.

Recycling is not a simple process. Mainly because all plastic is not equal. Different plastics have varied levels of recyclability. Only a small portion of the plastic on the planet is easily recyclable. There aren’t many bags of chips or pet food, eye cream samples, chocolate wrappers, diapers, sanitary pads, toothbrushes, or plastic wrap that can be easily recycled.

Recycling is not a magic solution to assuage consumer concerns about the environment. Businesses that care about the environment and society are working to improve recycling, but progress is slow.

Certified Plastic Neutral

This is where The Disposal Company comes in with some long-term solutions to India’s plastic problem. 

As a result of helping companies, brands, and even individuals become Certified Plastic Neutral, TDC has built a business that funds innovations to address the global plastic problem.

But what is Plastic Neutrality?

The process goes like this: A brand calculates its plastic footprint first. TDC calculates the amount of plastic used by the company in its packaging, shipping, office supplies, and other products.

Companies then pay for an equivalent amount of plastic to be processed in an approved waste-collection project in India in order to make up for this plastic consumption.

Plastic Inequality

Waste pickers gather garbage from natural areas and landfills, sort it, and then make money by selling the most valuable scraps. It makes sense that waste pickers favor recyclables like cola bottles and other items with a higher market value. They fail to take into account the single-use, low- or no-value plastics, such as candy wrappers, which are then thrown away, dumped in waterways, or abandoned in undeveloped areas. 

Plastic neutrality companies help solve this inequality of plastic by providing a platform for all kinds of plastic to be recycled.

The Impact Of Plastic Neutrality

While TDC works to shape this global trend toward a truly circular economy, it is crucial to responsibly manage the daily generation of plastic waste and make sure that it does not harm the environment. The payment made to a brand includes the direct expenses incurred by the company to gather, sort, clean, and process the quantity of plastic equal to the brand’s plastic footprint and make sure it is effectively recycled.

The Bottom Line

Consumers ultimately have the ability to influence business choices. Although it is obvious that there is no one solution to our plastic issues. Environmentally conscious businesses are making investments to become Certified Plastic Neutral at the request of their clients in order to support better solutions. 

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Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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