
Gourmet Craft’s Culinary Delights for Busy Lives, Plastic-Neutral Commitment, and a Greener Future

Discover Gourmet Craft’s passion for real and wholesome food amidst busy schedules and its plastic-neutrality journey with The Disposal Company.

Modern life often comes with hectic schedules, demanding jobs, and various responsibilities, leaving little time for meal planning and preparation. While time constraints are a common issue, making small adjustments to routines, planning meals, and prioritizing health can contribute to better eating habits.

Gourmet Craft is a food & beverage brand that is driven by true love and passion to provide real and wholesome food. The brand advocates for uncomplicated cooking, savoring nutritious meals, and promoting overall health. Every item in its collection is meticulously created using genuine ingredients, ensuring a delightful experience for your palate.

Its range of ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat products is crafted from fresh, premium-quality ingredients. These products are devoid of preservatives, added sugars, or artificial flavors, ensuring a natural and chemical-free option. The brand offers different breakfast mixes, pickles, parathas, momos and berries.

You can incorporate them into your daily meals and effortlessly whip up everyday dishes with minimal preparation!

Gourmet Craft’s Plastic Neutrality Journey

Recently, the brand has collaborated with The Disposal Company (TDC) to neutralize its plastic waste. TDC will recycle the same amount of plastic on behalf of them that is used in their packaging. The brand has taken a significant step towards a plastic-free greener future by recycling 50kg of plastic to date.


Discovering food that is both convenient to prepare and healthful to consume isn’t an everyday occurrence. The brand aims to simplify the adoption of healthier eating habits. Its products strive to simplify the lives of food enthusiasts who have a deep love for eating but find time to be a precious commodity.

The Disposal Company is elated to be a part of such an innovative brand.

Join the sustainability revolution in India with The Disposal Company’s innovative climate action platform, which enables brands to become plastic-neutral and carbon-neutral, and make a real difference to the planet. Click here to find out more.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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