
Green Jobs: An Emerging Job Sector In India

The global shift towards sustainability creates many green jobs for young Indians. But, the education system is yet to catch up.

The government is emphasizing sustainability to mitigate environmental issues. So, more and more companies are giving importance to reducing their negative impact on the environment by implementing sustainability into their business. It has boosted green job opportunities by 80–100% compared to the last year. According to the “United Nations Environment Programme”, (UNEP) green jobs are defined as positions in agriculture, manufacturing, R&D, administration, and service activities that contribute to preserving or restoring the environment. Companies such as Vedanta Group, Schnider Electric, and Tata Steel are searching for talent for profiles in waste management, green infrastructure, and other environmental and sustainability-related fields.

Issue of talent shortage

Specialized skill sets are necessary for green jobs. There is a lack of sufficient training or educational opportunities in India to develop those skills. Therefore, many companies are opting to hire young employees and provide them with training. For example, Vedanta is organizing special sessions for new ESG (environmental, social, and governance) leaders with senior international advisors to give them exposure to global practices. Tata Steel is also facing a shortage of talent during hiring for sustainability roles. They are upskilling their existing employees. They are also collaborating with academia and examining specialized programs to hire new candidates. Very few universities in India offer courses on climate action or sustainability. So, it’s high time these courses were included in the curriculum. 

Future Prospects of Green Jobs

India currently employs 20% of its workforce in Green Jobs which is anticipated to double by 2030. There has been a 45% rise in the number of job postings for sustainable roles in the last six months, as reported by– a job search platform. In this sector, the profiles in demand are sustainability managers, environmental consultants, ESG analysts, safety specialists, design engineers, solar panel installers, drone engineers, electric vehicle engineers, environmental scientists, sustainability supervisors, recycling plant technicians, and smart network managers. Among these roles, sustainability managers are most in-demand with construction and manufacturing companies. Energy, urban farming, green transport, waste management, and renewable energy sectors will create more green job opportunities in the upcoming years.

The Bottom Line

Sustainability is the solution to retrieve the balance between mother earth and the ecosystem. Brands have understood that sustainability is a key driver of business growth. Every business is trying to increase its positive impact on the environment and society. The demand for green jobs is expected to rise rapidly in this scenario. Companies must provide the necessary training to their current workforce to transform them into a green workforce. To achieve a sustainable business, it’s important to take steps toward building a circular economy.  

The Disposal Company is India’s first climate action platform, which helps brands to build a sustainable business. Contact us to get customized sustainability solutions for your business.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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