
Goa Initiates Its Action Plans to Combat Climate Change

Explore the devastating impacts of climate change in the smallest state of India and discover their action plans to combat the threats. 

Goa, the smallest state of India has recently rolled out its Goa State Action Plan for Climate Change (GSAPCC) 2023–33 under the guidance of the Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB), to combat climate change. This coastal state is already fighting extreme weather events, flooding, and sea level rise. Bardez, Tiswadi, Mormugao, and Salcete — these talukas are most vulnerable to flooding and sea level rise whereas 80% of Goa’s population and economic activity are concentrated here. 

This climate change action plan highlights mitigation and adaptation strategies in various sectors like transportation, energy, and agriculture.

Effects of climate change

  • The sea is creeping up by 1.5mm each year
  • Goa is getting a lot more rain these days, 68% has increased from 1901-2018. 
  • It’s been getting hotter too, especially from 1990-2018. 
  • Back in 2009, there was a really bad flood in Canacona after seven hours of non-stop rain
  • Recently, in May 2021, Goa got hit by a huge storm called Tauktae
  • A study shows that almost 14.7% of its land is pretty low-lying and could be in big trouble if there’s a really bad flood.

The Bottom Line

At the national level, the Union Government has declared the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) related to solar energy, sustainable agriculture, energy efficiency, and sustainable habitats. Nilesh Cabral, the environment minister of Goa approved the state action plan at a cost of Rs. 25 Crore for both the districts. This pertains to the development of climate-smart practices in managing low-lying khazan fields by restoring bunds, beach erosion control, sand dune revival, and a rice — park of climate-smart seeds. However, this climate action plan is a base for more interventions, detailed budgetary provisions, and inclusive planning.

India’s first climate action platform, The Disposal Company, is paving the way for a greener future by enabling brands to achieve plastic neutrality and carbon neutrality. Learn more here.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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