
Climate change affects modern parent’s decision to have more kids

Climate change is significantly influencing various aspects of people’s lives, including their decisions about family planning, career choices, and consumer behavior.

Climate change is influencing people’s choices regarding employment, consumer behavior, and family planning. According to a recent survey conducted by global research firm Morning Consult on behalf of computer tech company HP, more than half of parents (53%) state that climate change impacts their decision to have additional children. 

The survey involved over 5,000 adult parents from India, Mexico, Singapore, the United States, and the United Kingdom, with approximately 1,000 parents surveyed in each country between May 18 and 26.

Results of the Survey

The survey revealed that an overwhelming majority of parents (91%) express concern about climate change. They specifically worry about various effects, including rising temperatures (62%), water shortages (51%), changing sea levels (43%), and severe weather events (43%).

Moreover, parents indicate that climate change concerns affect their career choices. The HP study found that 43% of survey participants reconsidered working for a company based on the company’s commitment to environmental and social issues.

Consumers’ purchasing decisions are also influenced by companies’ actions to address climate change. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of surveyed parents prefer sustainably sourced products and 60% state that a company’s sustainability practices significantly impact their actual purchases.

Furthermore, the survey reveals that parents are willing to pay more for sustainable products. The extent of their willingness to pay extra depends on the product category: 75% would pay more for sustainable clothing, 62% for pet supplies, 59% for tech purchases like laptops, and 66% for cell phones.

Despite the rising cost of living (reported by 84% of parents) and the perceived time-consuming nature of environmentally conscious actions (57% of parents), respondents believe that corporations bear the primary responsibility for making environmentally sound decisions. Just over half (51%) of parents believe that companies have a significant responsibility to hold themselves accountable for climate action, while only 36% think it is the customers’ responsibility to push companies to act sustainably.


Michele Malejki, the Global head of social impact, expressed that HP recognizes the importance of families and their reliance on their products to connect them to what is significant in their lives, such as work, entertainment, and loved ones. The company acknowledges that parents face their own distinct challenges, particularly when it comes to the climate crisis. As a result, HP is committed to going beyond its business impact to improve its practices for the well-being of both people and the planet.

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Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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