
How a Global Company Initiates 3C Sustainability Strategy

Catch up on the sustainability strategies announced by Tata Communications to achieve net zero emissions and carbon neutrality in the near future. 

Tata Communications, a worldwide facilitator of digital ecosystems, has made a significant pledge to achieve Net Zero by 2035 throughout its global operations. On Earth Day 2023, the company is actively working towards “Investing in our Planet” to expedite sustainability efforts and reinforce its commitment to the Earth. As a part of this initiative, the company highlights three core aspects for environmental preservation and empowering businesses: Climate Action, Customer GHG (Green House Gas emission) Savings, and Circular Economies in India.

Climate Action

Through the implementation of energy-efficient practices and the adoption of renewable energy solutions on a global scale, the company is poised to achieve Carbon Neutrality by the fiscal year 2030 and Net Zero emissions by 2035.

Carbon neutrality encompasses direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company, with indirect emissions resulting from purchased electricity generation, such as grid electricity. Net Zero encompasses the above emissions and all other indirect emissions that occur within the company’s value chain, including GHG emissions from the supply chain and business travel.

Carbon footprint

Customer GHG (Green House Gas emission) Savings

By creating and implementing eco-friendly or low-carbon solutions through IoT, Media & Entertainment Services, Cloud, and Business Collaboration platforms, Tata Communications is actively assisting its customers in developing environmentally conscious supply chains while enhancing their competitiveness. As a result of these efforts, the company anticipates that its customers’ potential for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will reach a significant factor of 20 times by the fiscal year 2027. 

Circular Economies in India

Tata Communications is taking proactive measures to conserve water resources and promote sustainability within its operations. The company is implementing IoT solutions, such as smart metering, to monitor water usage and detect leaks in real-time at critical facilities. Moreover, Tata Communications is adopting rainwater harvesting techniques and enhancing water and waste recycling practices across its major campuses in India. These initiatives aim to achieve a 20% reduction in freshwater consumption by the fiscal year 2030, compared to the baseline of fiscal year 2020. Additionally, the company has set a target of achieving zero waste to landfill in India by 2027, ensuring that waste generated is either reused, recycled, or composted, contributing to a circular economy.

A.S. Lakshminarayanan, MD & CEO of Tata Communications, emphasized the company’s strong dedication to sustainability, highlighting its integral role in its business strategy and vision for the future. He stated, “Sustainability is deeply ingrained in our core values, and we are fully committed to forging a more sustainable future for our ecosystem.” Lakshminarayanan further expressed that Tata Communications’ Net Zero objective signifies their responsibility to drive innovation, integration, and empowerment through inclusive and sustainable solutions. Recognizing the transformative power of technology, he emphasized its crucial role in both global growth and catalyzing positive societal change and climate action.

The Bottom Line

With a foundation built on trust and harnessing its digital expertise, Tata Communications is dedicated to facilitating the development of sustainable solutions, driving scalable impact, and ensuring secure ecosystems. The company’s sustainability strategy draws inspiration from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Tata Group Sustainability Strategy. By aligning with these frameworks, Tata Communications aims to generate shared value for all stakeholders involved.

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Mousona Poddar

A SEO Content Writer who helps to scale your business by bringing organic traffic on your website. My background is B.Tech in Electrical Engineering.

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