
Why Sustainability Is Rising In the Indian Fashion Market

The reasons for the rising demand for sustainable fashion brands in India, its impact on the environment, and the challenges faced by these brands.

The objective of sustainable fashion is to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing methods that minimize the adverse effects on the planet. India, which is among the top producers of textiles globally, has witnessed a surge in the sustainable fashion sector. The escalating demand for sustainable fashion in India is propelled by the combined efforts of consumers who are conscious of the environment and government policies that promote sustainable growth.

Current Scenario of sustainable fashion in India

It is widely acknowledged that the fashion industry is one of the most environmentally harmful industries on a global scale, due to the vast amounts of waste and emissions generated during the production and disposal of clothing. In recent years, several Indian designers and brands have implemented sustainable practices to address these challenges. A report by projects that the sustainable fashion market in India will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.6% between 2021 and 2026. The report also attributes the market’s growth to increased consumer awareness, government initiatives, and the availability of sustainable materials.

Opportunities for sustainable fashion in India

The substantial size of India’s population represents a considerable opportunity for the sustainable fashion market to flourish and expand. India’s abundant textile heritage presents a conducive environment for the sustainable fashion market to thrive. The country’s traditional handicrafts, weaving methods, and textiles can be leveraged to produce sustainable fashion items that appeal to both local and international consumers. Many sustainable fashion brands in India are crafting distinctive eco-friendly and ethically produced products.

Developments in the sustainable fashion market

Numerous Indian entrepreneurs are launching sustainable fashion brands that align with the surging demand for eco-friendly and ethically produced products. These startups are capitalizing on inventive technologies and sustainable materials to develop distinct products that resonate with consumers. Additionally, they are incorporating sustainable practices into their supply chains to guarantee that their products are ecologically sustainable and socially responsible

Role of Influencers and Celebrities in promoting sustainable fashion

The role of Indian celebrities and influencers in shaping consumer behavior is a significant factor in the sustainable fashion market in India. Their increasing inclination towards promoting sustainable fashion is evident from their endorsements of eco-friendly brands, showcasing sustainable fashion products on social media, and participation in events that promote ethical fashion. This trend is gradually elevating consumer awareness and changing the perception of sustainable fashion in India. As more influential figures join this movement, the sustainable fashion market in India is projected to gather more attention and emerge as a mainstream trend.


Lack of Infrastructure

While the demand and potential for the sustainable fashion market in India are on the rise, it facing a primary challenge of inadequate infrastructure. Furthermore, the supply chain for sustainable fashion products is often disjointed, impeding brands’ ability to procure sustainable materials and ensure ethical production practices. Several sustainable fashion brands in India operate on a small scale and may lack access to the necessary infrastructure and technology to produce and distribute their products efficiently. To overcome this challenge, the government and other stakeholders can invest in sustainable infrastructure and technology to promote the sustainable fashion industry’s growth.

Difficulties in Reaching Larger Audiences

Lastly, the sustainable fashion market in India confronts difficulties in terms of market penetration. Sustainable fashion products are typically aimed at a specific audience, restricting their reach and making it difficult to connect with a broader audience. Sustainable fashion brands must find methods to promote their products to a larger audience and effectively communicate the significance of sustainable fashion. 

The Bottom Line

The sustainable fashion market in India confronts numerous obstacles that hinder it from reaching its full potential. Through education and awareness campaigns, enhanced production and distribution, investments in sustainable infrastructure and technology, and refined marketing strategies, the sustainable fashion market in India can overcome these challenges. 

Some Indian fashion brands like The Souled Store, and Ed-a-Mamma have become plastic-neutral by adopting plastic-neutrality in association with The Disposal Company.

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Mousona Poddar

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