
Empowering Change: A Woman Changes Climate’s Journey at COP28 Towards Inclusivity, Sustainability, and Fossil Fuel Alignment

Delve into Shreya Ghodawat’s advocacy for gender-inclusive energy transitions, discussions on systemic change, and the call for decisive actions in addressing climate challenges.

Shreya Ghodawat, renowned for her advocacy in sustainability and holding positions such as a Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum and Ambassador for SHE Changes Climate India, represented India at COP28. She participated in a significant High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue named ‘Balance for the Earth — Building Trust and Collaboration for People & the Planet’. 

This dialogue concentrated on tackling the interlinked crises of climate change and nature degradation, highlighting inventive solutions and cooperative strategies. The focus was on fostering extensive collaboration and the urgent need for fundamental systemic change.

Empowering Women in Climate Advocacy: SHE Changes Climate’s Drive for Inclusivity and Systemic Change

In her role as the Ambassador for SHE Changes Climate, Shreya played a crucial part as India’s representative, contributing significantly to discussions that aimed to surpass limitations for systemic change. She stressed the importance of ensuring that the shift towards sustainable energy is not only socially fair but also inclusive of gender perspectives. 

This was particularly underscored by acknowledging the adverse impact of India’s energy sector on women. Shreya emphasized the urgency of representation in policymaking, leadership decisions, and increased inclusion in employment and job opportunities. She has addressed the gender wage gap and advocated for a fair transition from fossil fuels to a dependable, clean energy source for women at grassroots levels.

The entire team at SHE Changes Climate ardently championed a vision of 50:50 gender balance, inclusivity, and diversity, actively advocating for increased female representation in climate conversations and leadership roles. Engaging with inspirational female leaders and representatives from diverse sectors, influential figures like Mary Robinson shared their experiences and insights to inspire and encourage others to take decisive actions in addressing climate and nature challenges.

Advocating for Fossil Fuel Alignment and Paris Agreement Implementation

During the Unite For Climate Solutions Summit, jointly organized by SHE Changes Climate and Project Dandelion on November 21, a concluding discussion featuring Mary Robinson and COP28 President H.E. Sultan Al Jaber stressed the necessity of aligning fossil fuel policies with climate science. This summit received extensive media coverage and garnered support from women, climate-focused organizations, and scientists, collectively calling for heightened climate ambition.

Significantly, the UNFCCC has recognized this development, marking the first instance in 28 years where COP has given priority to addressing fossil fuels. Shreya, alongside fellow panelists and backed by Elise Buckley from SHE Changes Climate, urged governments to hasten the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


They praised the decision to embrace inclusive and participatory methods for fair transitions but emphasized the necessity for open multi-stakeholder discussions to achieve genuine societal transformation. Moreover, the Netherlands, Uganda, and Norway have recently joined the cohort of gender champions at COP, aligning themselves with the IFRC and other Non-State Actors in endorsing principles of inclusivity and diversity. 

SHE Changes Climate aims to enhance its presence in key countries, specifically targeting the acceleration of the energy transition with a focus on women leading the charge.

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Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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