
Empowering Families: Nourishing Kids and Planet with Innovative Children’s Food Brands

Discover how innovative children’s food brands like Slurrp Farm, WickedGud, and Truvitals are revolutionizing nutrition while prioritizing sustainability with The Disposal Company.

Ensuring a well-rounded meal is a priority for all parents. While it’s ideal to provide children with freshly prepared homemade meals, there are occasions when time constraints make it challenging. Selecting suitable food options can also be daunting, as parents aim to offer chemical and preservative-free options.

In India, certain children’s food brands are aiding parents by transforming unhealthy choices into wholesome, nutritious alternatives. This approach alleviates the pressure to compromise on food quality. Additionally, these brands are mindful of their environmental footprint, emphasizing sustainability alongside nutritional value.

Let’s take a look at them.

Slurrp Farm

Slurrp Farm is a children’s food brand specializing in packaged products primarily centered around millet. The concept behind this brand originated from the mutual concerns of two mothers who identified deficiencies in the current food system. Their product lineup comprises a wholesome blend of ingredients including millets, lentils, oats, amaranth, ragi, nuts, jowar, as well as nutritious sources of fats such as butter, fruits, vegetables, jaggery, and honey.

Acknowledging the environmental impact of traditional plastic packaging, the brand has partnered with The Disposal Company to recycle plastic waste retrieved from landfills.

Read here: Slurrp Farm Brings a Sustainable Diet Plan for Kids with The Disposal Company


WickedGud has revolutionized the concept of fast food, aiming to provide families with nutrition-packed meals. By revamping pasta and noodles, they eliminate unhealthy components and substitute them with wholesome ingredients, ensuring 100% nutrition. Their objective is to promote a healthy indulgence that becomes a regular practice, benefiting the entire family’s well-being. Utilizing 100% vegan and plant-based ingredients, their pasta and noodles are free from gluten, soy, artificial colors, and preservatives.

In a bid to address environmental concerns, WickedGud has partnered with The Disposal Company to mitigate plastic waste. Through a plastic neutrality initiative, TDC recycles an equivalent amount of plastic used in WickedGud’s packaging, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Read here: WickedGud is Unjunking Indian Kitchens Sustainably with The Disposal Company


Truvitals passionately promotes the value of homemade meals, recognizing that the fast-paced nature of modern life and the prevalence of unhealthy food choices can pose challenges. To address this, the brand meticulously formulates its products using the highest quality, scientifically validated ingredients. Additionally, they have established a scientific advisory board comprised of pediatricians and experts in child nutrition. This team is readily available to assist parents, offering not only guidance on appropriate actions but also explanations of the underlying principles.

In alignment with its commitment to environmental responsibility, Truvitals has partnered with The Disposal Company to offset its plastic waste. As a 100% plastic-neutral brand, Truvitals takes proactive steps to mitigate its environmental footprint.

Read here: Truvitals’ Journey Towards Holistic Nutrition with The Disposal Company


In a world where the demand for convenience often clashes with the desire for wholesome nutrition, these innovative children’s food brands are leading the charge towards a healthier future. Slurrp Farm, WickedGud, and Truvitals are not only redefining what it means to nourish our children but also setting a precedent for environmental responsibility. By prioritizing quality ingredients, sustainable practices, and parental support, they empower families to make better food choices without compromising on taste or values. 

Join the sustainability revolution in India with The Disposal Company’s innovative climate action platform, which enables brands to become plastic-neutral and carbon-neutral, and make a real difference to the planet. Click here to find out more.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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