
How the Indian Tea Industry Steeping Toward Sustainability

Take a look at different sustainable methods that leading tea-producing companies are taking and how these are paving the way for a greener future. 

Tea is a favorite beverage in Indian households. It produced more than 1.3 million tons of tea in FY 2021-22, second only to China. In 2022, 83 percent of annual tea production came from Assam & West Bengal. Rest 17 percent came from the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. The tea industry also has some long-lasting impacts on the environment. The Indian tea industry is striving to achieve sustainability by making changes at various levels of its operations to meet the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Using AI and data-driven technologies

AI is gaining popularity in all major industries. The tea industry has also embraced AI, ML, and data-driven technologies. This cutting-edge technology calculates the percentage of fine leaves and helps in detecting the leaves’ surface moisture. The fine leaf percentage is the most important part that gives the tea the aroma.

Solar Panels

Among tea producers, solar power is the preferred choice as renewable energy. The tea industry can get the most of its benefits by introducing agrivoltaics. It requires less amount of land for the installation of the solar panels as here the same can be done on the farmland. It forms a sustainable tea plantation.

Follow good Agricultural Practices

For a tea manufacturer to thrive and become a market leader, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of its workforce. To achieve this, successful companies increase the adoption of good agricultural practices (GAPs) and improve the profitability of small-scale tea producers. Preserving local ecological balance by ensuring the biodiversity of the land remains intact is another important aspect of sustainable tea production. Additionally, implementing agroforestry, which involves cultivating a variety of crops alongside tea, can benefit soil fertility and help mitigate the impact of poor tea sales.

Managing Post-Production Waste

Tea producers face a challenging task when it comes to managing post-production waste. Historically, waste has been disposed of by burning or sending it to landfills. However, tea developers are now recognizing the environmental impact of these practices and are increasingly focused on finding ways to repurpose waste. This approach not only helps manage waste sustainably but also contributes to the circular economy. By using post-production waste, tea manufacturers can produce low-cost adsorbents such as activated carbon, biochar, nanocomposites, and hydrogels. These materials are effective in cleaning the environment and represent a promising way to reduce waste while benefiting the planet.

In India, Tea Trunk, a sustainable tea brand has taken remarkable steps to reduce its waste after collaborating with The Disposal Company. Their journey is inspiring.

The Bottom Line

Climate change is playing havoc in our lives at an alarming rate. It is high time every industry took sustainable steps to curtail the disaster to reach a place from where there is no turning back. To achieve sustainability, the Indian tea industry has adopted important steps to leave a minimal carbon footprint.

The Disposal Company is helping many brands to implement sustainability into their business. Check here to contact us.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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