
An Ultimate Guide to Sustainability and ESG Reporting

Explore essential steps to navigate the evolving landscape of environmental, social, and governance issues while fostering trust and long-term value creation.

A Brief History of Sustainability Reporting

The evolution of sustainability reporting has been notable over time. Initially centered on financial performance reporting, organizations gradually expanded their focus due to increasing environmental and social awareness. Dating back to the 1970s, companies began publicly disclosing their environmental impacts, marking the inception of sustainability reporting. Subsequent milestones, including the establishment of frameworks like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), further advanced the standardization of sustainability reporting, enhancing transparency and comparability across organizations.

8 Steps for Sustainability Reporting

Assemble an ESG team

Forming an ESG team requires careful consideration due to the complexity of ESG issues. It extends beyond simple initiatives like recycling programs or using compostable packaging. While it might seem convenient to assign ESG responsibilities to existing team members, it’s essential to adhere to a critical ESG best practice by establishing a dedicated team.

This team can comprise professionals such as a sustainability consultant, a diversity consultant, and a risk manager specifically focused on ESG risks, among others. Emphasizing diversity is crucial, as it not only aligns with the “S” in ESG but also allows for a broad range of experiences and backgrounds necessary for effective ESG management.

Choose an ESG framework

Selecting an ESG framework is crucial, considering the plethora of ESG regulations available, not all of which may align with your specific ESG reporting requirements. Opting for the appropriate framework is an ESG best practice, as it lays the foundation for the success of your program.

Some widely recognized ESG reporting frameworks include:

  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

Set ESG goals

Establishing ESG goals is essential to provide a guiding light for your program. These goals should align with the chosen framework. For instance, if you opt for GRI, you may prioritize areas highlighted by the framework itself, such as reducing GHG emissions, minimizing waste from production processes, ensuring facility safety, and so forth.

This best practice in ESG enables deliberate and strategic actions aimed at minimizing your environmental and community footprint. Additionally, it streamlines the disclosure of your ESG endeavors by offering a clear framework for assessing and communicating your progress.

Identify metrics for your goals

Defining metrics to accompany your goals is essential. While goals provide broad statements about your aspirations, metrics offer specific data points to gauge progress. 

When selecting metrics in line with your ESG best practices, ensure they exhibit the following characteristics: 

  • Comprehensive: Address all aspects of ESG. While sustainability garners significant attention from corporations and consumers alike, social and governance issues remain pivotal for success. Opt for metrics that encompass environmental, social, and governance considerations. 
  • Objective: Metrics must be objectively measurable. Discuss ESG in terms of quantifiable factors like waste generation and board diversity, avoiding subjective interpretations that could skew your ESG performance.
  • Universal: Investors seek to compare your ESG performance with that of other companies in your sector. Therefore, adhering to a relevant reporting standard is crucial to facilitate communication of your efforts effectively, as unique metrics may hinder comparability.

Collect ESG data

Gathering ESG data is pivotal for your endeavors. Amidst concerns of greenwashing, where corporations may strive to portray ESG commitment without substantive action, transparent reporting with robust data can authenticate genuine efforts, showcasing tangible and measurable impacts.

An ESG best practice involves not only the collection and centralization of data pertinent to your ESG metrics but also the translation of this information into an ESG score. This score serves as an indicator of your risk exposure, potential opportunities, the effectiveness of your initiatives, and the adeptness with which your board manages ESG considerations.

Identifying stakeholders and evaluating the state of engagement

Determining the stakeholders pertinent to your company is a crucial step in formulating and executing an ESG strategy. Once stakeholders have been pinpointed, the subsequent task involves establishing effective mechanisms for stakeholder engagement. 

A primary objective of such engagement is to discern stakeholders’ perceptions regarding the company and its practices concerning their interests.

Identifying the company’s principal stakeholders enables informed decision-making regarding reporting content and dissemination channels, allowing for tailored communication that resonates with each audience.

Ultimately, showcasing the company’s performance relative to metrics pertinent to these stakeholders can foster trust and confidence.

Create visibility around ESG performance

Establishing transparency regarding ESG performance is essential for stakeholders such as investors, regulators, and the board. ESG reporting goes beyond internal benchmarking; it involves translating these benchmarks into comprehensive, centralized reports that demonstrate your dedication to investors, ensure regulatory compliance, and underscore the significance of ESG to the board.

Monitor ESG

Monitoring ESG is imperative due to the rapid evolution of ESG issues. Updates in frameworks and expectations by policy and industry leaders, shifting priorities among investors, and requests from the board for visibility into crucial ESG areas are just a few examples of factors that can influence the success of your ESG program.


ESG reporting and disclosure present a platform for companies to narrate their own ESG journey. Through robust and comprehensive ESG reporting, companies can cultivate trust among shareholders and key stakeholders, showcasing their comprehension of how ESG factors influence their capacity to generate sustainable long-term value.

As a SAAS — Sustainability As A Solution Platform, The Disposal Company leads the way in enabling businesses to achieve plastic and carbon neutrality. Through collaboration with The Disposal Company, businesses can expedite their progress towards achieving exemplary ESG performance, transforming sustainability from a passing trend into a steadfast commitment.

Mousona Poddar

A passionate Content Writer who helps to scale your business by words with excellent research skills.

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